Richard commented on 28/7/08 18:17:
Gerry, Good for Kevin. I too got his feeling about Cork and Kerry.
I am waiting for DNA test results. Haven't gotten Gloria to talk much about hers.
I joined a Sheehan DNA group.
Sheehan may be a name others gave us. Seems we may have been an Irish minority group.
Iowa may be the first place our Sheehan's and Carroll's first 'settled.'
I wouldn't mind some hints how I might more effectively cooperate with our search of our background
Does KPF have anything to do with fried chicken?
Gloria said 28/7/08 22:51...
Wow, this is cool.
Wow, this is cool.
I met a woman when I was in Israel. She lives in the City of David with her husband. She is from County Kerry and said it was very beautiful.
I will share my DNA results with Richard, after I find them. Basically, the maternal DNA had no mutations that were not fast acting. It is subtype H, maternal. The lineage to date is from the Iberian Peninsula. That is a all the test told me. It would have been better had I had some mutations. Oh well,
Thanks for the info and I wish cousin or 2nd cousin Kevin the best of luck.
Hey, guys, thanks for posting your comments. Richard, I understand 'the feeling' - had the same 'feeling' when Cousin Harald sent a photo of a particular neighborhood in Nesodden. We later discovered it was the neighborhood and the very house our great grandparents Karl and Karen lived in.
This also happened in Burlington when Ron and I met our Cousin ME [a CARROLL descendant and our 3rd cousin [that's 3rd cousin once removed for Glor and Deb]] for the first time. I found ME using the Internet and writing letters to several individuals. We decided for an eye-to-eye meeting and we decided to meet in Burlington so we could prowl around and see where our ancestors lived for over fifty years.
Anyway, while the four of us [ME and hubby & Ron and I] were on the way to the cemetery to pay our respects we found ourselves going through a neighbor hood when I knew we were on very street our great grandparent and grandparent lived. We stopped the car and got out and ME asked the kid in the yard if his Mom was home and could we speak with her. Well, as it turns out the gal was as generous as could be when she told us she had in her possession the title search for the house in her safe and would we like to see it. We left that day with over 76 pages of that title search photographed. Once the film was processed and prints made many, many interesting facts were revealed and open a whole new can of worms.
While there is no indication that Martin and family immigrated to any other locale in America, however there is some indication that William SHEEHAN may have migrated to Iowa from elsewhere.
Both Martin & family and William SHEEHAN arrived in Iowa during the mid-to late 1850's.
And, before you inquire about their military duty during the War Between the States, I'll tell you there is no evidence indicating that. Rather records show that Wm. was a hostler and teamster during that period with Martin, as usual for him, no occupation listed.
Cousin Kevin your relationship:
**to Richard, Gerry, Gary and Dorian and Cousin ME:
1st Cousin once removed, half 6th Cousin 4 times removed and 8th Cousin once removed
**to Glor and Deb:
1st Cousin, half 6th Cousin 3 times removed and half 8th Cousin
The reason for the multiple cousin relationships is of course inter-marriage of cousins some place along the line. Not to worry - the occurred more than a century or two ago.
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